Please click on images below to see our range of services.

Berwyn Steam Fabrications

Welcome to Berwyn Steam Fabrications

We manufacture bespoke handmade steam boilers in mainly Steel to suit Tractions Engines, Steam Locomotives , 

Marine and Vertical steam applications.

All of our boilers are welded to the highest standards using Tig and Mma welding processes and comply with the latest 

UkCa UK Marking

All boilers are fully compliant to PESR SI/ 2016/1105

and now are marked to UkCA

We can still offer Ce marked boilers for Export to European Countries or worldwide under

PED 2014/68/EC

We have a wide range of welding procedures to cover all of our coded welding work and can offer high quality workmanship throughout.

All of our welding procedures and welder Qualifications are qualified for Ped work and have been verfiied by a

Uk Approved Body.

All steel boilers are produced to Bs 2790-1969-1992, Being welded to the latest iso 9606-1 2017/2019 spec

We offer a full certification package, to cover UKCA marking ,Together with independant Ndt and Hydraulic pressure testing

Inspected by British Engineering Srvices Ltd

If you are looking for a new boiler or replacement for a project we can offer a full start to finish package to supply and certificate the boiler correctly.

We also under onsite coded wedling on New builds and Boiler repairs for several heritage railways and restorers throughout

the UK

This can include :

Boiler Plate repairs in fireboxes, Outer wrapper, Barrels and replacement washout plug bushes, Fusible plug bushes


Welded stay repairs and replacements


Fitting of Firehole firebox rings


Build up work on corrosion and wastage


Please give us a call to discuss your requirements


We are fully equipped for site work and offer a flexible approach to repairs and restorations




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We can manufacture all types of special flanges to any Pn spec required.MiB_Logo_Horizontal_Colour.jpg

Please contact us with your requirements.